Bad Luck?
I have been asking people as to what happened to Ghost Dance but nobody’s talking. The message I sent to Mr. Ghost Dance has remained unanswered as well as the message I sent to Mr. Suicide King. So far, I only know that there is a war going on but since the system Mr. Ghost Dance is in, is not in an alliance; I have no idea whose killing him. The last time I look, he’s rank 50 in planet size and 52 in networth.
As for my planet; after I posted my last post before this, I assaulted the planet hellish and two other planets.
As for my planet; after I posted my last post before this, I assaulted the planet hellish and two other planets.
Jun 23, 9:59 pm Troops from Strawberry Cupcake (3:7) assaulted Gurkin (1:2) and conquered 286 land.
Jun 24, 6:59 pm Troops from Strawberry Cupcake (3:7) assaulted DIECensoredSuckerDIE (2:6) and conquered 353 land.
Unfortunately I lost the system news of my assault on the planet Hellish and more unfortunate is that the new number one planet assaulted me after I assaulted Die.
Jun 24, 8:05 pm Troops from Radical Dude Splinter (2:2) assaulted Strawberry Cupcake (3:7) and conquered 620 land.
As the string of bad luck continues; I assaulted a planet after finding its generals are out and he retaliates with a missile. Phooey! I could not let this kind of incident go unchallenged of course, so I launch my own missile and destroyed some of his lands.
Later, I ask for peace with my offender instead of asking the alliance to make him a kill target (kt). He message me back that he made a mistake by thinking I bash him. Because of apology given and accepted; I will withheld his planet’s name incase one of you readers decides to retaliate for me (The entire incident is in the past now). Below is his message.
Received from
Planet X (x:x)
Jun 27, 7:33 am i'm sorry..
i was ina hurry, and i tought u were much more bigger. and i was a bit mad cause i've been attacked several time, sory
X Ruler
This incident of launching missiles for fair hit seems to be a new trend as Mr. Chel also found out.
Jun 27, 4:39 am Troops from Chel (3:7) assaulted Pekle (1:9) and conquered 354 land.
Jun 27, 1:57 pm A Revenger missile launched from Pekle (1:9) hit Chel (3:7) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
Of course, this kind of action is a dangerous way to act to a fair hit since the planet hit would usually demand retaliation. I wonder if this strategy would become more common in the future rounds. Will have to wait and see. For now, I’m just glad I did not make an enemy. Peace! ~~
At 7:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Playing with fire, dear :)
At 6:28 AM,
Zarklonius said…
Something every gal needs to think about is the future and the future can be scary sometimes. But it’s better to think about it and prepare for it rather then putting my head inside a hole on the ground. ~~
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