Forgive and Forget and A New Target.
I finally made peace with Mr. Possum. I could have continued sabotaging his planet and watch it fall down the scoreboard but it’s no fun anymore and started to become petty. So I made peace with him and let bygones be bygones. I decided to return to my original plan and bring some pain to Transylvania. Besides, Transylvania is the official kill target anyway.
Apr 1, 12:16 pm
We launched a Revenger missile at Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
Apr 1, 12:24 pm
We burned 130 Civilian Residences of Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6).
Apr 1, 12:24 pm
We burned 125 Civilian Residences of Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6).
Apr 1, 12:24 pm
We burned 121 Civilian Residences of Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6).
Apr 1, 12:25 pm We
burned 117 Civilian Residences of Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6).
Apr 1, 12:25 pm
We burned 112 Civilian Residences of Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6).
Apr 1, 12:25 pm
We burned 109 Civilian Residences of Wicked Lord transilvania (2:6).
It’s amazing how much networth that planet loss. Hee hee!
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
awww you can admit it was complete fear from me and my system that made you lay off possum. hahaha
At 12:31 AM,
Zarklonius said…
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