Warmongoer? Networth Lover?
There is an ongoing debate now in Galaxies Ablaze. It is about whether it is alright to war and target players for no reason in the name of fun? Is it alright to be a NETWORTH lover?
In The thread “Wow, Bunch Of Hypocrites” in the public forum, Ms. TwylahSkye made a convincing argument and I agree and support her on this. She argued that syndicate are driving people away by targeting them for no reason therefore effectively killing Galaxies Ablaze. She pointed out that GAX (a game akin to Galaxies Ablaze) was closed because it has few players because its game style of warring for fun does not appeal to everyone. If SWB and his friends continued to do to Galaxies Ablaze what they do in GAX, Galaxies Ablaze would follow GAX to the grave.
She made some good suggestion on for people who likes to war without getting people that doesn’t like to go to war involve. But it still needs some polishing.
Then again, I like Galaxies Ablaze with no rule on how you wish to govern your planet. If syndicate became a bully and have acted dishonorably in everyone’s eyes, then they should do something about it instead of complaining about it. But what can you do if they are just too strong? It reminds me of the dark age in Fantasian kingdoms where bullies rule with an iron fist (regardless of our appeal to change their style), before me, homer, carnage, and sarge ended their reign of terror last round (round 6).
Here in Galaxies Ablaze where there is a larger number of player base, it would take more then four players to stand up to the one of the most active and strongest alliance in the game. I guess it is appropriate to ask other first before forming your own group and kill them all. Hee hee!
Whatever’s in store for Galaxies Ablaze, will it dwindle and die? Or recover and grow, only time can tell, but for now I’m playing and ENJOYING the game. I participate and support my system and alliance activity whether in war or peace time.
When we are still in punks alliance, I voted to make a huge planet in 1:4 a damage target, and even offered to attack and launch missiles first. But the leadership decided to wait. Too late! Most of the powerhouse in 1:4 was killed by the people in syndicate.
Later, in Phyrxia, a kill target was posted. Just as I was to launch my missile and sabotage the target, Volvoland recommended to hold off the attack and gather on a appointed time and attack simultaneously. Too bad I listened, :( because by the time I login again, the target is not a target anymore. Phooey!
The next time I logged in, a new target was posted and I immediately sabotage and launch my missile on the target without hesitation.
In The thread “Wow, Bunch Of Hypocrites” in the public forum, Ms. TwylahSkye made a convincing argument and I agree and support her on this. She argued that syndicate are driving people away by targeting them for no reason therefore effectively killing Galaxies Ablaze. She pointed out that GAX (a game akin to Galaxies Ablaze) was closed because it has few players because its game style of warring for fun does not appeal to everyone. If SWB and his friends continued to do to Galaxies Ablaze what they do in GAX, Galaxies Ablaze would follow GAX to the grave.
She made some good suggestion on for people who likes to war without getting people that doesn’t like to go to war involve. But it still needs some polishing.
Then again, I like Galaxies Ablaze with no rule on how you wish to govern your planet. If syndicate became a bully and have acted dishonorably in everyone’s eyes, then they should do something about it instead of complaining about it. But what can you do if they are just too strong? It reminds me of the dark age in Fantasian kingdoms where bullies rule with an iron fist (regardless of our appeal to change their style), before me, homer, carnage, and sarge ended their reign of terror last round (round 6).
Here in Galaxies Ablaze where there is a larger number of player base, it would take more then four players to stand up to the one of the most active and strongest alliance in the game. I guess it is appropriate to ask other first before forming your own group and kill them all. Hee hee!
Whatever’s in store for Galaxies Ablaze, will it dwindle and die? Or recover and grow, only time can tell, but for now I’m playing and ENJOYING the game. I participate and support my system and alliance activity whether in war or peace time.
When we are still in punks alliance, I voted to make a huge planet in 1:4 a damage target, and even offered to attack and launch missiles first. But the leadership decided to wait. Too late! Most of the powerhouse in 1:4 was killed by the people in syndicate.
Later, in Phyrxia, a kill target was posted. Just as I was to launch my missile and sabotage the target, Volvoland recommended to hold off the attack and gather on a appointed time and attack simultaneously. Too bad I listened, :( because by the time I login again, the target is not a target anymore. Phooey!
The next time I logged in, a new target was posted and I immediately sabotage and launch my missile on the target without hesitation.
Oct 9, 1:30 pm A Revenger missile launched from The PIT (2:10) hit Concrete Sam (2:3) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
Happy as pig in a mud, I jovially log out of my account and went to bed. The next day, I was shock to find that we have joined the sister alliance of the planet I attack. 0.o It seems our SL (system leader) decided to leave our former alliance and joined the NastyDice Alliance, sister alliance of Syndicate.
^_^ Well, that’s life. Your enemies today are your friends tomorrow and vice versa.
I’m building another revenger missile to replace the one I used before and I’m also currently researching missiles, so I can make more missile type then just revenger. I have also a good op ratio, although I have little ops mission because I have use most of it robbing banks. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough offense unit to make some damage because I’m building mostly defense units
Suddenly Galaxies Ablaze seems a more dangerous world. (“,)
Update: I just raided and missile Miss September as part of my alliance target. She was former teammates.
^_^ Well, that’s life. Your enemies today are your friends tomorrow and vice versa.
I’m building another revenger missile to replace the one I used before and I’m also currently researching missiles, so I can make more missile type then just revenger. I have also a good op ratio, although I have little ops mission because I have use most of it robbing banks. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough offense unit to make some damage because I’m building mostly defense units
Suddenly Galaxies Ablaze seems a more dangerous world. (“,)
Update: I just raided and missile Miss September as part of my alliance target. She was former teammates.
Oct 10, 7:34 pm Troops from The PIT (2:10) raided Miss September (2:1) and secured 71 land.
Oct 11, 1:06 am A Revenger missile launched from The PIT (2:10) hit Miss September (2:1) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
You sent a revnger on me *sniff* :D
Good to see you are still playing GA ann.
Just thought I'd point out that GAX had dwindling numbers because the GM never made it a closed sign up game. A game that small would, by lasting that long lead to bashing of new players in order to make safe attacks instead of turning to other actives.
With a closed sign up game, more people would be joining for each game (in order to try it out) and the games would be shorter + people woult attack actives or die while at it. Instead newbies joing two weeks into the game and got hammered down and beyond...
At 3:23 AM,
Zarklonius said…
Hello Mr. Imhotep. Sorry about that missile I did not know it was you, besides alliance duty see. :(
Yup, I’m still playing but doing badly though. I’m not good playing jungle but I learned some things I could use for next round. Anyway, I’m glad you’re still reading my BLOG. I need someone to read and stroke my ego from time to time. I need some incentive to update this BLOG regularly. Hee hee! ~~
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, Zarklonius, thank you for the compliment on my suggestion. I have never read your blog before and it's very interested. I'm flattered that you mentioned me, and I'd love to hear any ideas you have to expand on my thoughts about making GA more fun for everyone who loves the game. I, personally, don't play for networth, but I don't like the bullies in the game right now who are ruining the experience for everyone else simply through their own selfishness and amusement.
- Twylah Skye
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