My Galaxies Ablaze Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Galaxies Ablaze.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Teaching A Lesson.

Just now I was force to teach another player a lesson. I just know that teaching it would cost me BIG time but it is something that must be done. Two planets in my system are being constantly abuse, raided, and hounded by people abusing the war and showing contempt. When planet Leckin assaulted Iceledge, he must have assumed he can’t be hit because of the war.

Dec 20, 1:02 am
Troops from Leckin (1:6) assaulted IceLedge (2:2) and conquered 152 land.

He was wrong.

Dec 20, 9:26 am
Troops from IceLedge (2:2) assaulted Leckin (1:6) and conquered 216 land.

Fair right? Right. But one planet in 1:6 did not approve.

Dec 20, 10:38 am
Troops from Orange I Outlaw (1:6) massacred IceLedge (2:2) and destroyed 239 land.

To those who do not know the attack type “Massacre”, it is a form of attack with the sole purpose to kill a planet. To give maximum damage and destroy a lot of resources and only a trickle gets captured by the attacker. You only do this to a planet mark to be killed and not on a small planet that just retaliated. It is quite obvious that Orange I Outlaw was just arrogantly flexing his muscle for show and holds our system in contempt as he massacred one of our planet and did not even raised his defense shields. Such contempt! Tsk. I have been tip toeing since the war started but the things done to my system planets are intolerable. Now I know that I am quite near being named a kill target. I thought that I might as well do something for my friends while I am capable.

Dec 20, 11:59 am
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Orange I Outlaw (1:6) and conquered 492 land.

Dec 20, 12:40 pm
Operatives from Orange I Outlaw (1:6) approached our planet, but failed to penetrate our defenses due to defense operatives.

Phooey. I hope that would teach him not to be too arrogant.


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