My Galaxies Ablaze Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Galaxies Ablaze.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Teaching and Learning

Teaching new players is an honor with a touch of pleasure. Here is an exchange of messages with a new player and I (pay special attention to the supreme leader part).

Received from
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 6:58 pm hey my most supream system leader of most the power full list planet in this system IM just a humbeal subject in the system of yours but I have a question for you as I have just started to play this bad ass game on line, and have some questions for you what do I have to do to get more power and keep it runing with out droping so much all the time, also as system leader do you tell the other planets when to hit some one

lord U

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:12 pm Although it lifts my heart to hear such praises heap upon my noble head, but I ask to thee to lessen such gift else my noble head would become to proud and stubborn as a rock. Hee hee!

As for you questions, I’ll try to answer them point per point.

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:12 pm Q: What do I have to do to get more power and keep it runing with out droping so much all the time?

A: Building power plants will keep you’re power on the positive side. Have you’re Fast Power Production research to the max (Maxing out this research will give you an additional 50% more power of what you’re producing).

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:13 pm If you’re talking about being hit often as droping, well, you should build more barracks and fill them up with AAV. Again, better have you’re Military Morale research to the max as it gives 30% additional military offense and defense bonus.

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:13 pm Q: as system leader do you tell the other planets when to hit some one?

A: I only do that in times of war or if there is need for retaliation. Otherwise you’re free to decide who you wish to attack (just make sure you don’t attack anyone less the 50% of you’re planet size because it is considered as bad manners).


Received from
p224d (1:3)
May 22, 1:19 pm hey I was wondering if you can anser a question for me how do I go after things like Rogue Asteroids I can some times see them but dont know how to get to them

lord U

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 22, 5:39 pm When you see a asteroid passing our system, here is what you should do.

1. Go to the attack page by clicking the attack link.
2. On this page, you will see the current size of the asteroid (it is place at the center of the page, between the two tables).
3. just multiply the size of the asteroid to two

ex. 200 size * 2 = 400

4. Then divide it by you’re attacking unit’s attack value.

Ex. 400 / 8 = 50 (8 is the attack value of AAVs)

5. This mean that you should send 51 AAVs to attack that asteroid. Enter the value to the AAVs “number to send” field.
6. Change the “type of attack”, from assault to asteroid.
7. then click “send attack”

That’s it!



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