A Bad Boy And Alliance War.
Dec 10, 1:59 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted LambOfGod (2:6) and conquered 222 land.
Dec 10, 2:11 pm
Troops from Atilla the Hungry (2:4) assaulted GeoStigma (2:2) and conquered 425 land.
Now I can’t post that hit in the biggest hit thread because I got hit myself. ><. Oh well. It is just another day in Galaxies Ablaze. Better watch out Mr. Merecis I’m going to steamroll you before the end of this game. ~~ On the funny side I assaulted someone exactly 11:59 pm and succeeded, only to regret it because a HUGE asteroid passes our system. Oh dear me.
Dec 10, 11:59 pmTroops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Maximus (1:2) and conquered 200 lands.
Dec 11, 12:00 am
Astronomers have discovered a Rogue Asteroid that will be passing through our system for the next 6 hours.
At least two of my restless general manages to return and catch a small piece.
Dec 11, 5:55 am
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) attacked the Rogue Asteroid and conquered 25 lands.
Dec 11, 5:55 am
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) attacked the Rogue Asteroid and conquered 25 lands.
But over all, I still loss a lot of NW and land because of the exchange. Oooh, Mr Merecis assaulted me just when our alliance joined together to go to war.
Dec 11, 12:38 am
The Pirates alliance has declared war on the NoFear alliance.
Dec 11, 6:54 am
The Syndicate alliance has declared war on the LSD alliance.
Dec 11, 6:55 am
The AntiMatter alliance has declared war on the LSD alliance.
Dec 11, 8:06 am
The LSD alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Dec 11, 8:10 am
The NoFear alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Yippie! Finally War! Of course my first act is to launch my cheap, but effective land destroyer, the “Revenger”.
Dec 11, 7:18 am
A Revenger missile launched from GeoStigma (2:2) hit Crunchbite (2:10) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
I have already started building another revenger again but it won’t be finish until after 40 hrs. I was really excited when I click that launch button. Heee! But as a result a planet in a system that has a MDP (Mutual Defense Pack) with them retaliated.
Dec 11, 11:15 am
A Revenger missile launched from Negril (2:1) hit GeoStigma (2:2) and destroyed 33 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
I do not know the reason for the war. I only heard that LSD started it first when they sent destructive operatives against Kal El and we are only defending ourselves. But whatever the reason, it is my duty as a sworn member of the Syndicate alliance to do my part and participate. Heee! I’ll keep you all posted on how the war is going on my next post. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
At 8:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
The reasons for the war were that we were bored, and LSD seemed to be up to something. I didn't like the way they talked to us in the alliance leader boards, so we dealt with it:D
Finally something to do in GA;)
Nice blog btw.
At 4:50 AM,
Zarklonius said…
Thank you! ~~
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