My Galaxies Ablaze Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Galaxies Ablaze.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Peace Again!

There is peace once again in the universe of Galaxies Ablaze as our alliance made peace with everyone. Strangely except for a few successful sabotage of my power plant (sabotage after my hit on Orange I Outlaw) there was little aggression against me, which I am glad by the way. The alliance last target was The Dirty Snowball in 2:10. He was not really a kill target because the alliance sole purpose was to knock him out of the top ten planets, which he was.

Our alliance took a lot of damage during the war. Not only did we lost our biggest planets, several of our smaller planets were preyed upon by taking advantage of the war status for reason of either war tactics or simply abusing the war status for easy land. We really need to recover from that. On the other hand our alliance, on its own, successfully brought down haft a dozen planets, all of which are the biggest planets in the universe at that time. No other alliance can boast such achievement. Also no planet teleported away and no system left the alliance during the war with the odds stack up against us 8 vs 1. I am so proud to be a member of Syndicate =D. A planet in another alliance message me that he is impress and that I must be a hero sticking up to our alliance like that when I would have been likely the next kill target if it had continued. I message him back that I am not a hero but I have served in a company of heroes. Heee! Okay that was not original, but I am indeed allied with some of the most loyal and bravest planet in Galaxies Ablaze. You can’t be in better company than that.

Now that there is peace, and I don’t consider myself fat anymore, I started looking for targets again only to find two hitters I can’t hit and a whole bunch of explorers. But it’s fine for now since I have already research Guerrilla technology, all I have to do is wait. Heee! I wonder how long this peace will last.


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