Target Reset
Our target Somato from 2:7 reset his account. He reset after I massacred his planet. Good thing my generals has finally returned. I would have sent them last night against Somato but I attack an asteroid first before I saw the news against fabrication.
Here is a conversastion with SuicideChild of 1:14 about Somato:
Received from
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:44 pm hi,
i just messaged your sl, not sure if any of you are online at the moment, but stop all attacks on somato immediately. message me back for details
cosmo Reply
Sent to
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:46 pm Why? Somato launch some nukes when Fabrication sucessfuly hit him. Fabrication was obviously upset and hit him again. Then Somato launch another barrage of missiles.
No Heart
Received from
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:49 pm forget it now, he reset to newbie mode, so no point fighting it now lol
cosmo Reply
Sent to
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:52 pm That is a good thing. I hope this will end here.
No Heart
Here is a copy of the everyones post after my last post:
Here is a conversastion with SuicideChild of 1:14 about Somato:
Received from
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:44 pm hi,
i just messaged your sl, not sure if any of you are online at the moment, but stop all attacks on somato immediately. message me back for details
cosmo Reply
Sent to
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:46 pm Why? Somato launch some nukes when Fabrication sucessfuly hit him. Fabrication was obviously upset and hit him again. Then Somato launch another barrage of missiles.
No Heart
Received from
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:49 pm forget it now, he reset to newbie mode, so no point fighting it now lol
cosmo Reply
Sent to
SuicideChild (1:14)
Apr 8, 11:52 pm That is a good thing. I hope this will end here.
No Heart
Here is a copy of the everyones post after my last post:
Tough Luck (2:9)
Apr 8, 12:24 pm
Apr 8, 12:23 pm We launched a Revenger missile at Somato (2:7) but their shields blocked it.
No Heart
300 Spartans (2:1)
Apr 8, 3:36 pm
dont ever say i never tried to help
Apr 8, 3:32 pm We sabotaged 8 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 3:32 pm We sabotaged 7 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 3:33 pm We sabotaged 7 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 3:34 pm We sabotaged 7 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 3:35 pm We launched a Revenger missile at Somato (2:7) but their shields blocked it.
Apr 8, 3:35 pm We launched a BioBomb missile at Somato (2:7) but their shields blocked it.
Apr 8, 3:35 pm We launched a FreeFall missile at Somato (2:7) and destroyed 200 land, killed 492 population, destroyed no special ops, and there were no military casualties.
Apr 8, 3:35 pm We launched a Stealth missile at Somato (2:7) but their shields blocked it.
300 Spartans (2:1)
Apr 8, 3:49 pm
We assaulted planet Somato (2:7) but our forces were repulsed by the defenders. Military casualties included 578 Dragoons, 3,132 Guerrillas,
but our surviving troops will return in 14 hours.
blind shooting is dumb... yet i did it anyway
Fabrication (2:9)
Apr 8, 4:36 pm
A Revenger missile from Somato (2:7) was blocked by our shields.
Apr 8, 7:11 am A BioBomb missile from Somato (2:7) was blocked by our shields.
Apr 8, 7:11 am A FreeFall missile from Somato (2:7) penetrated our shields and destroyed 200 land, killed 1,933 population, destroyed no special ops, and there were no military casualties.
Apr 8, 7:21 am We were robbed of 35,183 money, but we do not know who did it.
Apr 8, 7:21 am Operatives from Somato (2:7) approached our planet, but failed to penetrate our defenses due to defense operatives.
Apr 8, 7:21 am Operatives from Somato (2:7) approached our planet, but failed to penetrate our defenses due to defense shields.
Apr 8, 9:02 am A large meteor impacted in the middle of our largest ocean, forming a new island and adding 17 land to our planet.
Apr 8, 1:37 pm Operatives from Somato (2:7) approached our planet, but failed to penetrate our defenses due to defense operatives.
Apr 8, 1:37 pm We were robbed of 100,960 money by Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 1:38 pm Operatives from Somato (2:7) approached our planet, but failed to penetrate our defenses due to defense operatives.
Apr 8, 1:38 pm Operatives from Somato (2:7) approached our planet, but failed to penetrate our defenses due to defense operatives.
Apr 8, 2:37 pm We were robbed of 137,774 money by Sanskrit Jagannatha (2:7).
it still continues.... i thank those who help, and will do what i can to defend myself too... oh and by the way, im a HER not a him ;0)
Nokia Connecting Pople (2:12)
Apr 8, 6:18 pm
Apr 8, 6:17 pm We stole 40,145 money from Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 6:17 pm We burned 4 Civilian Residences of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 6:17 pm We burned 4 Civilian Residences of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 6:17 pm We burned 4 Civilian Residences of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 6:18 pm We burned 4 Civilian Residences of Somato (2:7).
300 Spartans (2:1)
Apr 8, 9:18 pm
go for powerplants. they are the things that are killing us. he and his flippin shields block everything we do.
Trinity (2:9)
Apr 8, 9:23 pm
Trinity, our operatives succeeded in the mission, but 577 operatives were lost of the 94,248 that we sent.
Our operatives may have been identified.
Our operatives returned from the mission with the following information:
The Planet of Somato in Solar System (2:7)
Ruler Name: President Farrel
Planet Type: Terran
Personality: Industrious
Land: 1,072
Networth: 637,175
Money: 798,746
Population: 5,355
Power: 162,296
Soldiers: 610
Scientists: 5,000
Infantrymen: 0
Dragoons: 313
Riflemen: 0
Lasermen: 4,671
AAVs: 14,229
Starfighters: 5,751
Guerrillas: 0
Trinity, our operatives succeeded in the mission, but 587 operatives were lost of the 93,671 that we sent.
Our operatives returned with the following information about Somato (2:7)
Unit Type Defense General 1 General 2 General 3 General 4
Return Time At Home Home Home Home Home
Soldiers 610 0 0 0 0
Infantrymen 0 0 0 0 0
Dragoons 313 0 0 0 0
Riflemen 0 0 0 0 0
Lasermen 4,671 0 0 0 0
AAVs 14,229 0 0 0 0
Starfighters 5,751 0 0 0 0
Guerrillas 0 0 0 0 0
Trinity, our operatives succeeded in the mission, but 586 operatives were lost of the 93,084 that we sent.
Our operatives returned with the following information about Somato (2:7)
Shield Type Current Effectiveness
Military Shields 10%
Missile Shields 50%
Probe Shields 30%
Trinity, our operatives succeeded in the mission, but 628 operatives were lost of the 92,498 that we sent.
Our operatives may have been identified.
Our operatives returned with the following information about Somato (2:7)
Missile Type Missile Status
Blitzkrieg Under Construction
Trinity (2:9)
Apr 8, 9:28 pm
Apr 8, 9:25 pm Troops from Trinity (2:9) assaulted Somato (2:7) and conquered 31 land.
Apr 8, 9:26 pm A Revenger missile launched from Trinity (2:9) hit Somato (2:7) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, destroyed no special ops, and there were no military casualties.
Trinity (2:9)
Apr 8, 9:31 pm
Apr 8, 9:30 pm We stole 61,997 money from Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 9:30 pm We sabotaged 4 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 9:30 pm We sabotaged 4 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Apr 8, 9:30 pm We sabotaged 4 Power Plants of Somato (2:7).
Trinity (2:9)
Apr 8, 9:49 pm
This is all I'm going to do for now. If you guys have a personal grudge with SOMATO, I won't hold it against you if you attack him.
I've sent a message to 2:7's SL, who's my friend's brother, so I should be able to work something out with him. Right now he says he doesn't know why Somato's acting noobish, so it could be anything at this point.
I'll let you know if there are more information coming from Sith.
Tough Luck (2:9)
Apr 8, 11:32 pm
Apr 8, 11:31 pm Troops from Tough Luck (2:9) massacred Somato (2:7) and destroyed 141 land.
No Heart
Do Do Duo (2:1)
Apr 9, 12:00 am
alright, we will leave him alone for now.
let the talks settle out and wait
Tough Luck (2:9)
Apr 9, 12:18 am
I don’t believe he plans to stop his nuke happy ways. The way he keeps sending spam at me, I could guess who his next target is. But let us wait. We will see.
Thanks to all those who participated in bringing him down. Again thank you.
No Heart
At 11:36 PM,
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At 1:01 AM,
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At 2:25 AM,
alex said…
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