My Galaxies Ablaze Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Galaxies Ablaze.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Kill Target 3

Rewop Rb Citoxe has cause too much problem in our system so we finally decided to end it.

Oct 20, 8:59 am Troops from ShadowPelly (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 174 land.
Oct 20, 8:59 am Troops from ShadowPelly (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 156 land.
Oct 20, 8:59 am Troops from ShadowPelly (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 141 land.
Oct 20, 8:59 am Troops from ShadowPelly (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 127 land.
Oct 20, 9:09 am Troops from Volvoland (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and were brilliantly repulsed by the defenders.
Oct 20, 9:10 am Troops from Volvoland (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 115 land.
Oct 20, 9:11 am Troops from Volvoland (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 104 land.
Oct 20, 9:11 am Troops from Volvoland (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 93 land.
Oct 20, 9:11 am A BioBomb missile launched from Volvoland (2:10) hit Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and destroyed no land, killed 945 population, and there were no military casualties.
Oct 20, 9:13 am A Revenger missile launched from ShadowPelly (2:10) hit Caligastia (2:5) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
Oct 20, 9:15 am A Revenger missile launched from Volvoland (2:10) hit Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and destroyed 84 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.
Oct 20, 10:52 am Troops from The PIT (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 76 land.
Oct 20, 10:52 am Troops from The PIT (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 69 land.
Oct 20, 10:53 am Troops from The PIT (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 62 land.
Oct 20, 10:56 am Troops from The PIT (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 56 land.
Oct 20, 10:58 am A Revenger missile launched from The PIT (2:10) hit Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and destroyed 50 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.

So when the smoke finally lifted, Rewop Rb Citoxe is just smoking rubble. Here is a comparison before and after.

Game scores are updated twice a day. The last update was Oct 20, 7:31 am
122 Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) 1,014,612
146 Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) 1,733

October 20, 2006 11:15 AM
Rewop Rb Citoxe OnLine (X:1,Y:6) Steppes 464 242,755

Ay! Yay! Yay! Yay! ~~ It is always good to be in an active system. Hee hee!

Kill Target 2

Remember my talk about kill target (KT)? I just got a great incentive, much to my dismay. :( It all started when I steamrolled Rb Citoxe from 2:5.

Oct 17, 1:04 am Troops from The PIT (2:10) assaulted Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) and conquered 270 land.

It was a fair hit. But I was surprise to see this on my news.

Oct 17, 3:58 am Troops from Caligastia (2:5) raided The PIT (2:10) and secured 99 land.

Our system leader (SL) received this message.

Received from
Caligastia (2:5)
Oct 17, 4:05 am you can accept our retals on the pits steamroll, or you can lose most of your networth. i know you are a nw whore so just play along and you wont get hurt =)


As I understand this message, it means nobody should steamroll anyone, which is crazy. Her suggestion would lead people to stop building military units, especially offense units, and just turtle and explore. Why bother building military units, as long as you don’t send any military out, you can explore and be safe from attack? If somebody attacked you it would be a steamroll and you can ask for retaliation.

Anyway, I decided to let it go since it’s just a small damage. BIG MISTAKE! I received some bad news.

Oct 17, 8:20 am A FreeFall missile launched from Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) hit The PIT (2:10) and destroyed 200 land, killed 7,026 population, and there were no military casualties.

Oct 17, 8:20 am A Stealth missile launched from Rewop Rb Citoxe (2:5) hit The PIT (2:10) and destroyed no land, killed no population, and killed a lot of military troops.

Phooey! I learned that this planet belonged to Mr. Exotic (I wonder if he is still upset with me after I made him a kill target in Fantasian Kingdom?) By this time I committed myself to make it my goal to see them badly damage. ~~

I ask the alliance for help and Ms. Heklim was targeted first. The alliance was good. She was bigger then me before the alliance started to attack her but now we manage to bring her down to less then a third of my size. Unfortunately, we have to stop targeting her as we have to move on to a new target, one I also vigorously participated.

Of course acts of aggression work both ways (I’m not going to post the news about the exchange of damage because it would be way too long). They burned and destroyed my residential house, and mines, and power plant. The good thing is my planet is a jungle type planet and all they did was slowed my growth and my rank fell from 19 to 23.

My system mates work hard to fight our enemies and suffered from this war too as missiles were launch against them. Our system leader (SL), Shadow Pelly, valiantly participated and retaliated attacks made against us. Volvoland also gave and received a lot of damage. This system received much honor this last two days.

As it stand, all I can say is we’re winning! Hee hee! Besides, in a war like this, I get so excited to participate that I don’t care about my networth and I just want to give my enemies as much damage as I can! ^)^

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