My Galaxies Ablaze Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Galaxies Ablaze.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Eight Alliance, 27 Systems Against One Alliance, Three System.

Syndicate Alliance Relationships with Other Alliances Other Alliance Relationship
AntiMatter Peace
defence Peace
ForumMod Peace
Frisbee Peace
GateKaaos Peace
Groovy Peace
kamikaze War
MercTeam Peace
NoFear War
NoS Peace
pelagatos Peace
Pirates War
Posse War
Reality War
Rebel War
Republic Peace
Sadert Peace
youaredead Peace

It seems some of the other alliance wants to get some revenge or just want to be part of the killing against our alliance. As expected at such a situation, our alliance is not doing well. To make the matter worse, we are still recovering from the last war and this war against eight alliances is a no win situation.

I find it strange to boast that you are on a winning side when there are eight of them against one, but there are already people boasting about it. Mr. Merecis impress me by the way he stood up and be a kill target and so far, barely lost his size and strength. He even manages to raise his shield again after being made powerless before. Our two big guys were targeted and were put down to size and they have started going after the biggest of them all. Heee! It would have been amazing if they could have beaten such odd, but it’s too much to ask. Some alliance members of mine are already smirking and smug about this situation, because there is a sense of martyrdom, a sense of heroism fighting against such great odds. There has never been an Eight to one alliance in the history of GA, or so I was told. I mean only important and powerful systems gets piled up like this; a nobody does not have to fear something like this happening to them.

There are talks in our alliance forum in making Mr. Merecis powerless again, but most of the operations to sabotage his power plants only resulted in failure. Only those planets with major number of Special Ops Center are getting through with a good ratio of success.

As for the reason of the war, each one of those eight alliances has different reasons. One claimed Syndicate were going to make Mr. Merecis a kill target, but I found no evidence that there are any plans to hit him. Others want revenge for the planet CrunchBite, but only joined in after they realize the four alliances have better chance then the one. A friend in another alliance says his alliance just want to be part of the “Glory” in attacking Syndicate. But whatever the reason for this war, whether it is right or wrong, this one will definitely go down in GA history and I’m glad that I have decided to play this round regardless of what side I am. This round rocks. Wish you were here.

Friday, December 16, 2005

War of the Worlds II.

War broke out again. We are now at war with not one, not two, but four alliance and Mr. Merecis is with them. This time this war was started by our enemies. As before, it came out without any warning (like cursing each other in the public forum or in-game message) and again I do not know the reason. Our alliance leader bravely, if only symbolically, accepted the challenge.

Dec 15, 9:42 am
The LEGENDS alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Dec 15, 9:43 am
The NoFear alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Dec 15, 9:54 am
The kamikaze alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Dec 15, 9:56 am
The Reality alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Dec 15, 10:00 am
The Syndicate alliance has declared war on the kamikaze alliance.
Dec 15, 10:00 am
The Syndicate alliance has declared war on the NoFear alliance.
Dec 15, 10:01 am
The Syndicate alliance has declared war on the LEGENDS alliance.
Dec 15, 10:02 am
The Syndicate alliance has declared war on the Reality alliance.

The worst part is I sent my generals on a passing asteroid and since I am tundra, I can’t do any destructive operation, only spy. I have no choice but to wait for them to return and hope my alliance will fair well once again, if not, then take as many of them as we can. Wish us luck.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Calm In The Eye Of The Storm.

The universe is pretty quiet right now. There’s hardly any activity happening in our system and alliance forum. Except for a few minor posts from some planets in our alliance, the place is relatively as quiet as a graveyard. Rulers must be busy building up resources and military power that was lost or gained during the war. Just like me! My military is not big enough to attack another planet, within my attack range, and be safe. But no matter how calm it is today, once we reach the edge of the eye of the storm, the firestorm will pick up again to set the galaxies ablaze. Hee hee! I can hardly wait!

A Death Of A Once Glorious Planet.

After a long fight to survive, the fatally wounded planet Crunchbite expired. It valiantly fought against the odds, but no amount of will can stop the inevitable. I and all my subjects’ heart went out, to the people of planet Crunchbite. Sniff.

The planet Crunchbite and all its inhabitants have been totally destroyed in a massive cataclysm.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Peace At Last.

The war that lasted for 2 short days is finally over. I was surprise to find this because I expected to find the third kill target to be posted in the alliance forum. To my dismay, I found that the war is over. I was hoping I could participate again in another kill target since I failed to join on the second one (I assaulted an asteroid that was taking a scenic tour in our system and before my generals returned, the planet It (2:11) is finish).

So who won? I do not really know. I do know that Syndicate all but killed the two biggest and strongest planets on the other side, while our biggest planet did not suffer from anything they can’t recover. Also in acknowledgement of our war effort we received a message from LSD AL.

Dec 13, 4:02 am
Nofear was asked to honor our MDP which I would like to thank NoFear AL for doing so! :-)

When It(2:11) created Posse it litterly threw our already confused situation to the gears!

I won’t lie Syndicate, that was the most impressive initial strike I ever saw. ;-)LOL right when no one was online, when it wasn’t expected and by the time we were ready for war
It had other plans of trying to take AL.

Lol hands down you won the war, and I am glad it’s all over!


Hee hee! That was fun. Let us do it again sometime. As for the two planets that Syndicate targeted, they are still around although on the verge of death. They are like zombie, watching the universe in eerie silent, nursing its pain and anger. Hope there won’t be any trouble coming from those two.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fat Again.

Thanks to my contribution to the war I’m fat again. Earlier I posted that I launch a missile against Crunchbite as my participation in the war. Later on after I publish my blog, I decided to make a more active and destructive action.

Dec 11, 4:31 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Crunchbite (2:10) and conquered 207 land.
Dec 11, 4:32 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Crunchbite (2:10) and conquered 186 land.
Dec 11, 4:32 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Crunchbite (2:10) and conquered 168 land.
Dec 11, 4:32 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Crunchbite (2:10) and conquered 151 land.

Oh my. That’s over 600 lands. It will take time for me to digest this. Also there is the opportunist who thinks I also committed suicide.

Dec 11, 4:42 pm
Someone successfully spied on our Military Activity, but we do not know who did it.
Dec 11, 4:43 pm
Someone successfully spied on our Military Activity, but we do not know who did it.
Dec 11, 4:58 pm
Someone successfully spied on our Military Activity, but we do not know who did it.
Dec 11, 5:04 pm
Someone successfully spied on our Military Activity, but we do not know who did it.
Fun In The Sun (1:13) successfully spied on our Military Activity.
Dec 12, 11:30 am
Someone successfully spied on our Military Activity, but we do not know who did it.

Note to myself, I have to slim down again and train better operatives who can at least identify interlopers. No Mr. Merecis, I can slim down by myself. Thank you.

Behind The Scene That Led To The End Of Peace.

Having the responsibility of giving you the story of the hottest topic in Galaxies Ablaze; yours truly dug deep to find the truth that led to the biggest war of round 22 to date. I went inside a bar yesterday (everyone knows that spies always hang out in a bar) and found one that is willing to talk for a cheap glass of beer and the condition of animosity. Let's just call him DeepThroat.

To summarize what DeepThroat said; LSD started the aggression by attacking the planet Divine Intervention in 2:9 twice (hitting a active planet twice in such a short time are more then frowned upon in Galaxies Ablaze). This led to retaliation by one of Divine Intervention alliance member by blowing 580 mines of the planet Crunchbite. This in turn upset some rulers in LSD and “made quite a fuss” in the alliance forum. Having a Mutual Defense Pack with each other, both Syndicate and AntiMatter decided to make the preemptive strike against LSD and take out its biggest gun, the planet Crunchbite. Later, Nofear joined the war and sided with LSD evening out the playing field of the war.

Until today, the flame of war still rages, taking casualties on both side and giving grief to the people of the planets at war. Will there ever be peace before the end of the round or will the war continue until one or both side are utterly destroyed. Only time will tell.

The Planet CrunchBite.

The alliance war between allied Syndicate and AntiMatter against allied LSD and NoFear has no doubt set ablaze both galaxies of the game. Everyone now knows the fast and heated exchange of death and destruction between the planet members of these four alliances. The first kill target and the largest planet, the planet Crunchbite, with the land size of 8,667 and a networth of 3,540,988 (97,504 short of the strongest planet Atilla) was brought down to a land size of less than 1,000 land and a networth of 500,000 in just two hours.

The planet Crunchbite was caught unaware. With zero shields, it was easy for saboteur to destroy this planet’s power giving him the powerless handicap (this means this planet’s population growth will slow down, its financial revenues will ooze like mud, and will be penalize with a -10% defense) . This made him open for more sabotage and easy raid and assault. It must have shock its ruler to watch his planet from the pinnacle of power drop down with barrier breaking speed to the deep pits below, poor boy. It must have made its ruler extremely angry like something fierce because he retaliated by committing suicide (suicide is what is referred to a planet that sent more military units to attack then the military units left at home) and attack the planet Kal El. Crunchbite did major damage against Kal El but it was nothing like the damage it received when the news of his suicidal attack spread. The scene after was like a bunch of Jackals sensing a wounded deer and the smell of fresh blood. After the smoke cleared the planet Crunchbite is nothing more then a wasteland and a testament of the horror of intergalactic battle that took place at its once beautiful land. The future of the planet Crunchbite is now in doubt. Will it blow up in a massive cataclysm or will it have vengeance by working behind the shadow of espionage. Further news will be posted.

Crunchbite (2:10) (X:9,Y:6) Mountainous 344 245,687

Monday, December 12, 2005

A Bad Boy And Alliance War.

Waaaa! Mr. Merecis wasn’t listening. I said I want to slim down without being attack. Mr. Merecis is a bad boy, a really BAD BOY.

Dec 10, 1:59 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted LambOfGod (2:6) and conquered 222 land.
Dec 10, 2:11 pm
Troops from Atilla the Hungry (2:4) assaulted GeoStigma (2:2) and conquered 425 land.

Now I can’t post that hit in the biggest hit thread because I got hit myself. ><. Oh well. It is just another day in Galaxies Ablaze. Better watch out Mr. Merecis I’m going to steamroll you before the end of this game. ~~ On the funny side I assaulted someone exactly 11:59 pm and succeeded, only to regret it because a HUGE asteroid passes our system. Oh dear me.

Dec 10, 11:59 pm
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) assaulted Maximus (1:2) and conquered 200 lands.
Dec 11, 12:00 am
Astronomers have discovered a Rogue Asteroid that will be passing through our system for the next 6 hours.

At least two of my restless general manages to return and catch a small piece.

Dec 11, 5:55 am
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) attacked the Rogue Asteroid and conquered 25 lands.
Dec 11, 5:55 am
Troops from GeoStigma (2:2) attacked the Rogue Asteroid and conquered 25 lands.

But over all, I still loss a lot of NW and land because of the exchange. Oooh, Mr Merecis assaulted me just when our alliance joined together to go to war.

Dec 11, 12:38 am
The Pirates alliance has declared war on the NoFear alliance.
Dec 11, 6:54 am
The Syndicate alliance has declared war on the LSD alliance.
Dec 11, 6:55 am
The AntiMatter alliance has declared war on the LSD alliance.
Dec 11, 8:06 am
The LSD alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.
Dec 11, 8:10 am
The NoFear alliance has declared war on the Syndicate alliance.

Yippie! Finally War! Of course my first act is to launch my cheap, but effective land destroyer, the “Revenger”.

Dec 11, 7:18 am
A Revenger missile launched from GeoStigma (2:2) hit Crunchbite (2:10) and destroyed 100 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.

I have already started building another revenger again but it won’t be finish until after 40 hrs. I was really excited when I click that launch button. Heee! But as a result a planet in a system that has a MDP (Mutual Defense Pack) with them retaliated.

Dec 11, 11:15 am
A Revenger missile launched from Negril (2:1) hit GeoStigma (2:2) and destroyed 33 land, killed no population, and there were no military casualties.

I do not know the reason for the war. I only heard that LSD started it first when they sent destructive operatives against Kal El and we are only defending ourselves. But whatever the reason, it is my duty as a sworn member of the Syndicate alliance to do my part and participate. Heee! I’ll keep you all posted on how the war is going on my next post. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Because I stayed up late last night, I did not hear the alarm of my cellphone and my brother turned it off without waking me up! The result was I login to Galaxies Ablaze after twelve, missing the daily discoveries. Phooey!

I am also still in the process of destroying barracks and building stardocks. How long is this gonna take?

Military Barracks 352 0
Stardocks 438 50

Researching the starfighters also takes a long time.

Starfighters 4,930 233,073 46%.

Hope I can finish it soon and slim down fast (without being attack that is) so I can start hitting active planets again.