My Galaxies Ablaze Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Galaxies Ablaze.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Phantom Thief

Here is some of the news, about my planet’s dealing with some withdrawal in several planetary banks, within the past 4 days.

May 22, 6:49 pm We stole 647,586 money from Planet 1

May 22, 6:51 pm We stole 718,104 money from an Planet 2
May 22, 6:52 pm We stole 660,655 money from an Planet 2
May 22, 6:53 pm We stole 607,803 money from an Planet 2
May 22, 6:53 pm We stole 559,179 money from an Planet 2

May 22, 6:54 pm We stole 595,779 money from Planet 3
May 22, 6:54 pm We stole 548,117 money from Planet 3

May 23, 8:45 am We stole 378,159 money from Planet 4

May 23, 8:50 am We stole 770,621 money from Planet 5
May 23, 9:00 am We stole 746,615 money from Planet 5
May 23, 9:16 am We stole 686,886 money from Planet 5
May 23, 9:23 am We stole 2,381 money from Planet 5

May 23, 4:37 pm We stole 309,744 money from Planet 6

May 23, 4:38 pm We stole 807,260 money from Planet 7
May 23, 4:38 pm We stole 790,170 money from Planet 7
May 23, 4:38 pm We stole 779,290 money from Planet 7
May 23, 4:38 pm We stole 774,000 money from Planet 7
May 23, 4:39 pm We stole 763,550 money from Planet 7
May 23, 4:39 pm We stole 752,810 money from Planet 7
May 23, 4:39 pm We stole 747,950 money from Planet 7

May 24, 3:04 am We stole 628,843 money from Planet 8

May 24, 3:07 am We stole 701,394 money from Planet 9
May 24, 3:07 am We stole 645,283 money from Planet 9
May 24, 3:08 am We stole 593,660 money from Planet 9
May 24, 3:08 am We stole 546,167 money from Planet 9

May 24, 8:01 pm We stole 709,428 money from Planet 10
May 24, 8:01 pm We stole 652,674 money from Planet 10
May 24, 8:01 pm We stole 600,460 money from Planet 10
May 24, 8:02 pm We stole 552,424 money from Planet 10

May 24, 8:03 pm We stole 815,490 money from Planet 11
May 24, 8:03 pm We stole 810,050 money from Planet 11
May 24, 8:03 pm We stole 804,750 money from Planet 11
May 24, 8:04 pm We stole 793,320 money from Planet 11
May 24, 8:07 pm We stole 811,630 money from Planet 11
May 24, 8:08 pm We stole 808,230 money from Planet 11
May 24, 8:08 pm We stole 803,080 money from Planet 11
May 24, 11:00 pm We stole 808,990 money from Planet 11
May 24, 11:00 pm We stole 809,030 money from Planet 11
May 24, 11:00 pm We stole 805,000 money from Planet 11
May 25, 10:58 am We stole 860,620 money from Planet 11
May 25, 10:58 am We stole 856,860 money from Planet 11
May 25, 10:58 am We stole 853,060 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:00 am We stole 862,780 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:01 am We stole 863,000 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:02 am We stole 857,670 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:02 am We stole 851,970 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:02 am We stole 846,310 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:03 am We stole 841,010 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:03 am We stole 835,550 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:03 am We stole 829,900 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:03 am We stole 824,640 money from Planet 11
May 25, 11:03 am We stole 819,220 money from Planet 11

I would have posted them as banks in the alliance forum but I forgot because I was excited about upcoming events.

Wonder Grab.

System 1:1 just built the Galactic Science Laboratory. That means if we want a wonder, we have to take down somebody’s wonder with missiles. You know what this means don’t you? Wonder grabbing time!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Planetary Report 52406.

Here is another report about my planet.

Special Operations
Mission Success Mission Results

Total Missions Launched 381
Successful Missions 241 63%
Failed Missions 140 37%

Money Stolen 78,290,858
Money lost 661,808

Combat Operations
Combat Successes - Attack Attack Type Details

Total Attacks Launched 24
Successful Attacks 24 100%
Failed Attacks 0 0%

Total Defenses 12
Successful Defenses 2 17%
Failed Defenses 10 83%

Planet Details - Land, Population and NetWorth

Land Details Population Details

Gained in Combat 750
Gained Exploring/ Discoveries 3,649
Lost in Combat 1,441
Homeless deaths 35,781
Military desertions 0

Wonder Contributions

Money Contributed Population Contributed Power Contributed
12,084,618 9,899 612,850


The Planet of Winner in Solar System (1:3) at 03:23 AM on May 24, 2006
Ruler Name: Champ
Planet Type: Jungle
Personality: Paranoid
Land: 3,752
Networth: 1,958,691
Money: 0
Population: 80,000
Power: 100
Courage: 37
Soldiers: 17,517
Scientists: 6,129
Infantrymen: 1,200
Riflemen: 0
Lasermen: 155,969
AAVs: 4,291
Guerrillas: 13,487

Building a Wonder.

I know it’s almost chaos mode, and building a wonder won’t benefit us much anymore, but it’s also part of learning more of the game if our new players have a wonder. So I’m working hard to get one even thought there’s little help from my system planets. Here is an incomplete thread about our discussion about them.


May 21, 7:13 pm
Post you're wonder contribution here people.


May 21, 7:13 pm
May 18, 8:13 am p224d has contributed 1,000 money, 100 power, and 200 population for our Wonder.
May 18, 1:39 pm Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 50,000 power, and 3,576 population for our Wonder.
May 18, 6:00 pm redmonke has contributed 0 money, 100,000 power, and 0 population for our Wonder.
May 19, 11:27 am Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 50,000 power, and 0 population for our Wonder.
May 19, 11:27 am Deja Vu has contributed 300,000 money, 0 power, and 0 population for our Wonder.
May 20, 9:23 am Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 0 power, and 5,000 population for our Wonder.
May 20, 9:24 am Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 0 power, and 5,000 population for our Wonder.
May 20, 9:24 am Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 0 power, and 5,000 population for our Wonder.
May 20, 7:52 pm redmonke has contributed 500,000 money, 50,000 power, and 1,000 population for our Wonder.
May 21, 3:38 pm p224d has contributed 0 money, 1,500 power, and 0 population for our Wonder.
May 21, 3:43 pm Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 100,000 power, and 0 population for our Wonder.
May 21, 4:04 pm Deja Vu has contributed 0 money, 20,000 power, and 0 population for our Wonder.
May 21, 5:06 pm redmonke has contributed 100,000 money, 0 power, and 2,000 population for our Wonder.
May 21, 7:09 pm Winner has contributed 1,000,000 money, 100,000 power, and 1,411 population for our Wonder.


May 21, 7:13 pm
Donate more money.


May 21, 10:56 pm
It just occured to me that chaos is coming soon. Better use the money instead on building you're planet to archive high on the scores.

Phooey! I wasted 1 million money!

Deja Vu

May 22, 12:46 pm
i will donate money once i get over 1,000,000. but others will have to help, as i have given most of the population and power so far

Deja Vu

May 22, 12:47 pm
Wonder Contributions

Money Contributed Population Contributed Power Contributed
3,300,000 27,538 979,610


May 22, 7:03 pm
Are you claiming that you have contributed over 3 million money resource!? Because it does not seem possible since it the wonder contribution was already over 3 million when I first arrived in this system and the current amount in the wonder contribution is just slightly over 5 million money resource.


May 22, 7:06 pm
May 22, 7:04 pm Winner has contributed 2,000,000 money, 0 power, and 2,595 population for our Wonder.


May 22, 7:07 pm
The biggest amount I have ever donated to a wonder was 5.5 million money, 20k power, and 5000 population. That was a couple of round ago.

I now expect to donate much more of that this time. :(


May 23, 3:10 am
May 22, 11:27 pm redmonke has contributed 0 money, 0 power, and 1,000 population for our Wonder.

Deja Vu

May 23, 10:56 am
yeah, thats at probably another system as well


May 23, 4:14 pm
Better donate more money. We really need them if you want a wonder built. Better donate those millions already.


May 23, 4:42 pm
May 23, 4:42 pm Winner has contributed 5,725,107 money, 300,000 power, and 2,751 population for our Wonder.


May 24, 2:46 am
May 24, 2:08 am redmonke has contributed 0 money, 60,000 power, and 2,000 population for our Wonder.


May 24, 3:10 am
May 24, 3:09 am Winner has contributed 3,359,511 money, 212,850 power, and 3,142 population for our Wonder.

I'm not the only one that will benefit from a wonder you know? So grab you pockets and donate!


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


When I first arrived in this system, it was at the bottom rank of the score, without any alliance or any activity in the forum, and the only news in the system news are assault against the planet in this system.

Since I have taken over, activity in the forum as well as in the system news have been thriving, and I’m proud to report that we are now rank number 38 out of the 45 system in the galaxy. We are also now part of a alliance, although it’s a small one it is still better then being alone, we are now more secure from being bullied as before. Our alliance is consist of 5 system and is ranked 7 out of 8 (this is a good thing since when we joined this alliance there is only two system, including my system).

38 The Agency blew up 243 mines. (1:3) 7,178,740

The Learning alliance
Solar System Solar System Name
(3:11) We are small but in our pants were BIG
(1:3) The Agency blew up 243 mines.
(2:10) Under Construction
(2:15) -=Livestrong DieHard=-
(2:12) The eternal ones

Alright! I’m so proud of myself! Hee hee! Thanks to all my system planets for not abandoning our system no matter what the odds. Let’s continue to grow and be proud of ourselves! Yay!


Here are the statistic and current status of my planet.

The Planet of Winner in Solar System (1:3) at 07:12 PM on May 22, 2006
Ruler Name: Champ
Planet Type: Jungle
Personality: Paranoid
Land: 3,557
Networth: 1,784,364
Money: 120
Population: 78,000
Power: 51,210
Courage: 37
Soldiers: 13,551
Scientists: 6,129
Infantrymen: 1,200
Riflemen: 0
Lasermen: 139,196
AAVs: 4,291
Guerrillas: 13,487

Special Operations
Mission Success Mission Results

Total Missions Launched 350
Successful Missions 223 64%
Failed Missions 127 36%

Money Stolen 66,866,075 <<<< AHEM!!!
Money lost 661,808

Combat Operations
Combat Successes - Attack Attack Type Details

Total Attacks Launched 24
Total Defenses 12
Successful Attacks 24 100%
Failed Attacks 0 0%
Successful Defenses 2 17%
Failed Defenses 10 83%

Planet Details - Land, Population and NetWorth

Land Details Population Details

Gained in Combat 750 Homeless deaths 33,630
Gained Exploring/ Discoveries 3,454 Military desertions 0
Lost in Combat 1,441

Wonder Contributions

Money Contributed Population Contributed Power Contributed
3,000,000 4,006 100,000

Aid Given to Others

Money 0 Scientists 0
Population 0 Soldiers 0
Power 0 Special Operatives 0


I would have been the Czar of Galaxies Ablaze if not for this constant trouble plaguing me, obstacles that keep cropping up, and keeps delaying my bid for universal domination.

My system mates have been assaulting, massacring, and nuking each other (although I think they finally work it out with each other). One planet in my system is being threatened to be retaliated for his massacre of a planet. Few people donate for the wonder fund or have little nukes for a wonder grab. Too few planets are active in my system. If that is not all, our Alliance leader went berserk and launches all his missiles against a top 10 planet (only the revenger type missile was block).

This is not good. I won’t make it to the top 3 before chaos mode. Phooey!

Teaching and Learning

Teaching new players is an honor with a touch of pleasure. Here is an exchange of messages with a new player and I (pay special attention to the supreme leader part).

Received from
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 6:58 pm hey my most supream system leader of most the power full list planet in this system IM just a humbeal subject in the system of yours but I have a question for you as I have just started to play this bad ass game on line, and have some questions for you what do I have to do to get more power and keep it runing with out droping so much all the time, also as system leader do you tell the other planets when to hit some one

lord U

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:12 pm Although it lifts my heart to hear such praises heap upon my noble head, but I ask to thee to lessen such gift else my noble head would become to proud and stubborn as a rock. Hee hee!

As for you questions, I’ll try to answer them point per point.

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:12 pm Q: What do I have to do to get more power and keep it runing with out droping so much all the time?

A: Building power plants will keep you’re power on the positive side. Have you’re Fast Power Production research to the max (Maxing out this research will give you an additional 50% more power of what you’re producing).

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:13 pm If you’re talking about being hit often as droping, well, you should build more barracks and fill them up with AAV. Again, better have you’re Military Morale research to the max as it gives 30% additional military offense and defense bonus.

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 20, 7:13 pm Q: as system leader do you tell the other planets when to hit some one?

A: I only do that in times of war or if there is need for retaliation. Otherwise you’re free to decide who you wish to attack (just make sure you don’t attack anyone less the 50% of you’re planet size because it is considered as bad manners).


Received from
p224d (1:3)
May 22, 1:19 pm hey I was wondering if you can anser a question for me how do I go after things like Rogue Asteroids I can some times see them but dont know how to get to them

lord U

Sent to
p224d (1:3)
May 22, 5:39 pm When you see a asteroid passing our system, here is what you should do.

1. Go to the attack page by clicking the attack link.
2. On this page, you will see the current size of the asteroid (it is place at the center of the page, between the two tables).
3. just multiply the size of the asteroid to two

ex. 200 size * 2 = 400

4. Then divide it by you’re attacking unit’s attack value.

Ex. 400 / 8 = 50 (8 is the attack value of AAVs)

5. This mean that you should send 51 AAVs to attack that asteroid. Enter the value to the AAVs “number to send” field.
6. Change the “type of attack”, from assault to asteroid.
7. then click “send attack”

That’s it!
